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Glasgow City Council

24 Hour Supported Living Services for Older People

Contact Health and Social Care Connect

  • Phone 0141 287 0555

What is it?

24 Hour Supported Living Service aims to enable older people to live, with support, in their own homes and communities. 

People accessing this service will retain their tenancy if they are within one of the service areas, or will be assisted to move to a suitable tenancy.

What support is available?

Individuals will receive support to meet their personal care, housing and social support needs.

The service uses a range of smart technology such as community alarms, fall detectors and door alarms to offer peace of mind to the tenant and their family and allow staff to respond quickly to any emergency situation.

There is a 24 hour staff presence available to ensure that tenants' needs are fully met.

Where are these services?

These services are being developed in a number of areas across Glasgow. For information on what is currently available please phone Health and Social Care Connect on 0141 287 0555.

How do I access this service?

To access the service you must be 65 years of age or over and will require to have an assessment of your needs completed. We will use our pdf icon eligibility criteria [39kb] to decide which level of need you fit into - low, moderate, substantial or critical. We will give priority to people with substantial or critical level of needs.

What does the service cost?

The charge is based on income rather than the amount of service that you receive.

If you are 65 years or over you will not be charged for personal care tasks. Please see our Guide to Client Contribution for further information.

If your income is below the Council's charging level you will not be charged for the service.

If you are eligible for Housing Benefit then there will be no need for an additional charge to you for Housing Support. If you do not receive Housing Benefit at present a check will be made to find out if you may have become eligible for Housing Benefit. If you are still not eligible for Housing Benefit you will be advised what the charge will be for Housing Support service and you can then decide if you wish to take the service. This will be done after the initial assessment.

Contact Health and Social Care Connect

  • Phone 0141 287 0555
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