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Glasgow City Council


We are responsible for the management and maintenance of Glasgow's infrastructure network, which includes 1,825 km of carriageways, 3,606 km pavements, 70,203 lighting columns and 385 structures. It is recognised that the roads infrastructure is vital to the city's economic and social wellbeing and represents a major asset owned by the council, valued at £2.9 billion for roads alone and £4.6 billion for the entire infrastructure. Transportation has a major impact and is one of the most vital services influencing the economy, community, health, our environment and our quality of life.

The infrastructure assets can be broken down further as follows:

Length of roads

  • A Roads                             183.5 kilometres
  • B Roads                             72.1 kilometres
  • C Roads                             209.4 kilometres
  • Unclassified roads             1,397.1 kilometres

Length of cycle routes:   304 kilometres

Bridges - owned and maintained by council 280

Council owned car parks 20 (these are managed on the Council's behalf by City Parking LLP).

Litter bins 10,500

Kilometres of street swept 360,500

The main document setting out the approach to management of infrastructure is the Roads Asset Management Plan ("RAMP") which, while focussing primarily on roads, does cover the majority of the council's infrastructure.  The RAMP can be accessed here.  This document is due to be updated in the near future.  In the interim, other reports have been presented to council committees regarding ongoing investment and appraisal work, most notably the Roads Infrastructure Status and Options Report 2015 which can be seen here.  This explicitly states as follows in terms of its scope:

"Asset groups considered are; Carriageways, Footways, Lighting, Bridges and Structures, Street Lighting and the Clyde Tunnel. The council has conducted an extensive programme of inventory collection and condition assessments over the course of the past six years. The information collected gives an accurate picture of the extent of the city's roads infrastructure and the impact recent investment has had on its condition. An accurate record of condition allows us to accurately identify overall funding needs and predict the impact investment options will have on condition."

The infrastructure asset class has been linked to the sustainability theme in the Council Plan.

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