Submission History: Application for planning permission - 60 Crow Road (Ward 12) - 22/00996/FUL - Erection of single storey building to retail car park, consisting of 2 units with retail (Class 1) and/or restaurant/cafe (Class 3) Uses - Section 42 application to vary condition 3 of 20/03110/FUL relating to hours of operation. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Application for planning permission - 60 Crow Road (Ward 12) - 22/00996/FUL - Erection of single storey building to retail car park, consisting of 2 units with retail (Class 1) and/or restaurant/cafe (Class 3) Uses - Section 42 application to vary condition 3 of 20/03110/FUL relating to hours of operation.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 27/09/2022 Click here