Submission History: Application for district approval:- Scotstoun Leisure Centre, 112 Danes Drive (Ward 10) - 06/03936/DC - Demolition of existing South Stand and Pavilion and erection of new South and North Stands, upgrading of pitches, relocation of floodlights and extension to front of Leisure Centre with additional parking on site. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Application for district approval:- Scotstoun Leisure Centre, 112 Danes Drive (Ward 10) - 06/03936/DC - Demolition of existing South Stand and Pavilion and erection of new South and North Stands, upgrading of pitches, relocation of floodlights and extension to front of Leisure Centre with additional parking on site.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 06/03/2007 Click here