Submission History: Application for planning permission and listed building consent:- London Road Primary School, 1147 London Road (Ward 9) - 12/01359/DC & 12/01360/DC - Erection of building to incorporate superstore, museum, theatre, cafe, ticket sales, offices and associated facilities, formation of landscaped avenue and associated parking, access and public realm following the demolition of existing buildings including listed buildings. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Application for planning permission and listed building consent:- London Road Primary School, 1147 London Road (Ward 9) - 12/01359/DC & 12/01360/DC - Erection of building to incorporate superstore, museum, theatre, cafe, ticket sales, offices and associated facilities, formation of landscaped avenue and associated parking, access and public realm following the demolition of existing buildings including listed buildings.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 07/05/2013 Click here