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Glasgow City Council

Sharing information with registered social landlords

Following the housing stock transfer in 2003, the Council no longer manages any council houses. However it remains the housing authority for the city, meaning it has obligations relating to homelessness and acts as strategic housing authority with responsibility for investment and housing land supply.

In carrying out its functions the Council works closely with the registered social landlords (RSLs) in the City, of which the largest is the Glasgow Housing Association although there are around 70 active RSLs in total.

The Council and RSLs have jointly agreed a series of "statements of best practice" which set out the round rules on how they work together, including a statement of best practice on sharing of client/tenant information. Another statement of best practice relates to the management of offenders in the community and describes how information on registered sex offenders is shared with RSLs and other agencies involved in this area.

The Council will, by law, be contacted by your landlord if you are facing eviction from your home. The Council has a duty to assist in these circumstances; this assistance is provided on the Council's behalf by our financial inclusion service providers. If you are threatened with eviction, you may accordingly receive an unsolicited letter from one of our financial inclusion service providers explaining that they act on the Council's behalf and outlining what assistance they can offer you.

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