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Glasgow City Council

Glasgow's Climate Plan

Glasgow's climate plan

The city acknowledged the stark warning provided by the IPCC report in 2018, declaring a climate and ecological emergency in 2019. To address this, two working groups were set up and identified a series of recommendations for action. The Climate Emergency Working Group developed 61 recommendations, thee Ecological Emergency Working Group developed 25.

Glasgow's Climate Plan was developed to address these recommendations and provide a vision for the city, demonstrating leadership in drawing together the collective action of other agencies, businesses, and communities across the city including the Sustainable Glasgow partnership.

It provides an update on the progress which has been made, sets a course for further action, and describes the means by which a city and its people will face the extraordinary challenges of the global climate and ecological emergency looking to ensure that these actions will help to deliver a healthier, more equitable and resilient city.

There is an open acknowledgement of the need for more rapid and radical action to reduce harmful emissions into the environment, reverse biodiversity decline and build a more climate resilient city with an aspiration of becoming net-zero carbon by 2030.

Whilst there is an understandable focus on stemming the flow of carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere, there is also a corresponding emphasis on working with nature on climate solutions and nurturing our own relationships with the natural environment, which our social and economic systems intrinsically depend on.

The Climate Plan is reported annually to Committee and the Plan will be reviewed and revised in 2024 to encompass the Climate Adaptation Plan.

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