Submission History: By Councillor Allan Young:- "Council welcomes the scoping work done by the Royal Society For the Encouragement Of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) on the possibility of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) trial in Glasgow; recognises the potential of UBI to alleviate some of the financial and time pressures faced by those living on the lowest incomes; and identifies the potential of UBI to transform gender inequality by reducing the extra financial and time penalties experienced by women in shouldering the majority of caring responsibilities. Council also understands the potential improvements to health and well-being for many from UBI; notes the potential contribution of UBI to strengthening the position of workers; recognises the potential benefit for enabling entrepreneurship and social enterprise; and regards UBI as an addition, and not a replacement, to vital support services such as social security. Council resolves to reconvene a cross-party working group on trialling Universal Basic Income (UBI) for the city of Glasgow, noting the cross party work done to date on this." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Councillor Allan Young:- "Council welcomes the scoping work done by the Royal Society For the Encouragement Of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) on the possibility of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) trial in Glasgow; recognises the potential of UBI to alleviate some of the financial and time pressures faced by those living on the lowest incomes; and identifies the potential of UBI to transform gender inequality by reducing the extra financial and time penalties experienced by women in shouldering the majority of caring responsibilities. Council also understands the potential improvements to health and well-being for many from UBI; notes the potential contribution of UBI to strengthening the position of workers; recognises the potential benefit for enabling entrepreneurship and social enterprise; and regards UBI as an addition, and not a replacement, to vital support services such as social security. Council resolves to reconvene a cross-party working group on trialling Universal Basic Income (UBI) for the city of Glasgow, noting the cross party work done to date on this."".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Glasgow City Council 14/09/2017 Click here