Submission History: By Bailie Annette Christie:- "Council understands that poverty increases the risk of people experiencing mental health issues and that a complex set of environmental factors can significantly affect mental health; and that its role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of people requires engaging with this complexity. Council recognises that it is crucial that leadership in promoting better mental health comes from the top and that the values and ethos must come from elected members and senior management - welcoming people with mental health problems and creating a culture that is inclusive and understanding of individual's needs. Council instructs officers to incorporate health promotion into the full range of Council policies, and support and encourage more social workers to train as Mental Health Officers so that we can ensure that the legal and human rights of mental health service-users are fully adhered to, and ensure employability support within mental health teams, along with advice to maximise income and mitigate welfare benefit cuts. Council agrees that there is a strong business case for getting it right on mental health in work; and further instructs the City Convener for Workforce/ Chief Executive to take forward participation in the See Me in Work Programme as a first step in incorporating the principles of the Scotland-wide See Me campaign into Council-wide service planning and delivery, to combat stigma against mental ill health." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Bailie Annette Christie:- "Council understands that poverty increases the risk of people experiencing mental health issues and that a complex set of environmental factors can significantly affect mental health; and that its role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of people requires engaging with this complexity. Council recognises that it is crucial that leadership in promoting better mental health comes from the top and that the values and ethos must come from elected members and senior management - welcoming people with mental health problems and creating a culture that is inclusive and understanding of individual's needs. Council instructs officers to incorporate health promotion into the full range of Council policies, and support and encourage more social workers to train as Mental Health Officers so that we can ensure that the legal and human rights of mental health service-users are fully adhered to, and ensure employability support within mental health teams, along with advice to maximise income and mitigate welfare benefit cuts. Council agrees that there is a strong business case for getting it right on mental health in work; and further instructs the City Convener for Workforce/ Chief Executive to take forward participation in the See Me in Work Programme as a first step in incorporating the principles of the Scotland-wide See Me campaign into Council-wide service planning and delivery, to combat stigma against mental ill health."".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Glasgow City Council 02/11/2017 Click here