Submission History: By Councillor Frank McAveety:- "That this Council believes the austerity agenda has harmed Glasgow, its economy and communities, notes that Glasgow has seen £324million taken from its budget over the last decade and believes that this has fundamentally undermined front-line services. Council further notes that this Council will be responsible for meeting the cost of scrapping the public sector pay cap and understands that this will place significant strain on already stretched resources. Further, Council notes the Scottish Government's recent publication "The Role of Income Tax in Scotland's Budget" which found that using the Scottish Parliament's tax powers to raise income tax and vary tax bands, could raise at least £550million or up to £870million per year. Council notes that these figures are greater than the 2016/2017 reductions to the Local Government settlement. Council therefore would welcome the SNP finally agreeing with Scottish Labour and Scottish Green calls to use the tax powers. Council further believes that these powers should be used to prevent any further cuts. Council additionally calls on the Scottish Government to use those tax powers in a fair, progressive way that will allow the Council budget to meet the cost, in full, of any public sector pay increases whilst avoiding having to make any further savings in the budget. Council further instructs the Leader of the Council to raise this request in any correspondence or negotiations with the relevant Cabinet Secretary." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Councillor Frank McAveety:- "That this Council believes the austerity agenda has harmed Glasgow, its economy and communities, notes that Glasgow has seen £324million taken from its budget over the last decade and believes that this has fundamentally undermined front-line services. Council further notes that this Council will be responsible for meeting the cost of scrapping the public sector pay cap and understands that this will place significant strain on already stretched resources. Further, Council notes the Scottish Government's recent publication "The Role of Income Tax in Scotland's Budget" which found that using the Scottish Parliament's tax powers to raise income tax and vary tax bands, could raise at least £550million or up to £870million per year. Council notes that these figures are greater than the 2016/2017 reductions to the Local Government settlement. Council therefore would welcome the SNP finally agreeing with Scottish Labour and Scottish Green calls to use the tax powers. Council further believes that these powers should be used to prevent any further cuts. Council additionally calls on the Scottish Government to use those tax powers in a fair, progressive way that will allow the Council budget to meet the cost, in full, of any public sector pay increases whilst avoiding having to make any further savings in the budget. Council further instructs the Leader of the Council to raise this request in any correspondence or negotiations with the relevant Cabinet Secretary." ".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Glasgow City Council 14/12/2017 Click here