Submission History: By Bailie Josephine Docherty:- "Council recognises that 100 years ago this year, Glasgow witnessed rent strikes, the 'Battle of George Square' and the rise of 'Red Clydeside'. Council notes that a Glasgow school teacher stood out amongst the many: John MacLean. Council notes that he had already been jailed on trumped up charges of sedition and had served 9 months of a 3 year jail term. Council regrets that his name is now all but forgotten amongst the wider public in terms of our history. Council agrees that we should address this and in order to honour his memory, and that of the brave men and women of Glasgow who stood by his side. Council instructs the Chief Executive to investigate a way to commemorate the life and work of John MacLean." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Bailie Josephine Docherty:- "Council recognises that 100 years ago this year, Glasgow witnessed rent strikes, the 'Battle of George Square' and the rise of 'Red Clydeside'. Council notes that a Glasgow school teacher stood out amongst the many: John MacLean. Council notes that he had already been jailed on trumped up charges of sedition and had served 9 months of a 3 year jail term. Council regrets that his name is now all but forgotten amongst the wider public in terms of our history. Council agrees that we should address this and in order to honour his memory, and that of the brave men and women of Glasgow who stood by his side. Council instructs the Chief Executive to investigate a way to commemorate the life and work of John MacLean."".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Glasgow City Council 16/05/2019 Click here