Submission Documents: by Councillor James Dornan:- "Council notes recent events concerning the former leadership of the Council, recognises that the lack of clarity over events at a senior level risks damaging the reputation of Glasgow City Council, and that public trust can only be restored by being open and honest about what has happened. Council resolves that in order to move forward and put these damaging events behind us, a full statement is made by the acting leader, that an independent investigation be undertaken into the practices and recent decisions of the Council, that the findings be published in full, and that lessons be learned from this process to ensure such a situation cannot arise again in the future." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission by Councillor James Dornan:- "Council notes recent events concerning the former leadership of the Council, recognises that the lack of clarity over events at a senior level risks damaging the reputation of Glasgow City Council, and that public trust can only be restored by being open and honest about what has happened. Council resolves that in order to move forward and put these damaging events behind us, a full statement is made by the acting leader, that an independent investigation be undertaken into the practices and recent decisions of the Council, that the findings be published in full, and that lessons be learned from this process to ensure such a situation cannot arise again in the future.".

Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.

Name Type of Document Access View Document
Item Minute - 01 April 2010 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
(37 KB)


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