Submission Documents: by Bailie David McDonald:- "Council notes the recent publication of the Charter of Rights for People with Dementia and their Carers in Scotland and congratulates Alzheimer's Scotland for their work relating to the publication of the charter. Council fully supports the aims of the charter to empower people with dementia and their carers to assert their rights in every part of their daily lives; to ensure that those who provide health, social care and other services understand and respect the rights of people with dementia and their carers; and to enusre the highest quality of service provision to people with dementia and their carers." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission by Bailie David McDonald:- "Council notes the recent publication of the Charter of Rights for People with Dementia and their Carers in Scotland and congratulates Alzheimer's Scotland for their work relating to the publication of the charter. Council fully supports the aims of the charter to empower people with dementia and their carers to assert their rights in every part of their daily lives; to ensure that those who provide health, social care and other services understand and respect the rights of people with dementia and their carers; and to enusre the highest quality of service provision to people with dementia and their carers.".

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Item Minute - 01 April 2010 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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