Submission Documents: By Councillor Kieran Wild:- "Council recognises the significant benefits from bee-keeping as honey bees are of immense value to agriculture, horticulture and gardeners and are responsible for the pollination of 1,500 different crops worldwide, including most fruit and vegetables. Council notes that the bee population is under threat. Since 1992, when the varroa mite arrived in the UK, the bees only survive if they are treated against the infestation. In addition, the loss of habitats and use of persticides have contributed to the decline in bee populations. Hives kept on allotment sites are now important to help bees to survive, since wild honey bees have largely died out. We cannot ignore bee-keeping as this is now essential for preserving our natural environment and sustaining food supplies. Council supports the completion of a policy to assist bee-keeping on allotments as part of the Year of Natural Scotland 2013." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Kieran Wild:- "Council recognises the significant benefits from bee-keeping as honey bees are of immense value to agriculture, horticulture and gardeners and are responsible for the pollination of 1,500 different crops worldwide, including most fruit and vegetables. Council notes that the bee population is under threat. Since 1992, when the varroa mite arrived in the UK, the bees only survive if they are treated against the infestation. In addition, the loss of habitats and use of persticides have contributed to the decline in bee populations. Hives kept on allotment sites are now important to help bees to survive, since wild honey bees have largely died out. We cannot ignore bee-keeping as this is now essential for preserving our natural environment and sustaining food supplies. Council supports the completion of a policy to assist bee-keeping on allotments as part of the Year of Natural Scotland 2013.".

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Item Minute - 16 May 2013 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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