Submission Documents: By Bailie Elizabeth Cameron:- "Council recognises that Glasgow is a learning city; believes in the importance of lifelong learning to enable all Glaswegians to flourish; welcomes investment in ensuring our city has a high quality education infrastructure; notes that over £609 million has been committed to improving the pre-12 and additional support for learning education estate within the city since 2001; further welcomes this Council's most recent commitment to the educational estate through the £250 million 4Rs Programme (Right School, Right Size, Right Time, Right Place), which is renovating and rebuilding schools across the city; recognises the steps taken to sustaining improved attainment at primary and secondary schools; welcomes investment in skills and training opportunities which enable people to return to learning such as the 'First steps to Childcare' programme; and resolves to continue to ensure that Glaswegians of all ages have a chance to learn and achieve their potential." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Bailie Elizabeth Cameron:- "Council recognises that Glasgow is a learning city; believes in the importance of lifelong learning to enable all Glaswegians to flourish; welcomes investment in ensuring our city has a high quality education infrastructure; notes that over £609 million has been committed to improving the pre-12 and additional support for learning education estate within the city since 2001; further welcomes this Council's most recent commitment to the educational estate through the £250 million 4Rs Programme (Right School, Right Size, Right Time, Right Place), which is renovating and rebuilding schools across the city; recognises the steps taken to sustaining improved attainment at primary and secondary schools; welcomes investment in skills and training opportunities which enable people to return to learning such as the 'First steps to Childcare' programme; and resolves to continue to ensure that Glaswegians of all ages have a chance to learn and achieve their potential.".

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Item Minute - 31 March 2016 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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