Submission Documents: By Councillor Michelle Ferns:- "Council welcomes the passing of the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act and positive action being taken to address child poverty and tackle the deep seated generational inequalities in our society, and supports this call to urgent action. Council applauds the setting of statutory targets which will be set out in regular delivery plans and require annual local child poverty plans, in contrast to the UK Government, which has abolished its child poverty unit and child poverty targets. Council supports the establishment of a Poverty and Inequality Commission, and recognises that meeting these targets will require cross-government action. Council believes that Glasgow is well placed to do so and commits to working with the Scottish Government, other local authorities, the third sector and people with experience of living in poverty to achieve these targets and to reduce and utimately eradicate child poverty. Council notes that thousands of children in Glasgow are suffering from hunger and malnutrition during school holidays; further notes the impact that this has on children's wellbeing and educational attainment; believes that this is part of wider household food insecurity and is one of the most devastating impacts of the UK Government's policy of continued austerity. Council calls on Council to form a Holiday Hunger Task Force as a matter of urgency and to provide financial support to (pilot) community-led and designed at local level projects which promote dignity and harness the social potential of food to connect people and develop sustainable solutions to food poverty in the worst affected wards to develop a solution for holiday hunger." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Michelle Ferns:- "Council welcomes the passing of the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act and positive action being taken to address child poverty and tackle the deep seated generational inequalities in our society, and supports this call to urgent action. Council applauds the setting of statutory targets which will be set out in regular delivery plans and require annual local child poverty plans, in contrast to the UK Government, which has abolished its child poverty unit and child poverty targets. Council supports the establishment of a Poverty and Inequality Commission, and recognises that meeting these targets will require cross-government action. Council believes that Glasgow is well placed to do so and commits to working with the Scottish Government, other local authorities, the third sector and people with experience of living in poverty to achieve these targets and to reduce and utimately eradicate child poverty. Council notes that thousands of children in Glasgow are suffering from hunger and malnutrition during school holidays; further notes the impact that this has on children's wellbeing and educational attainment; believes that this is part of wider household food insecurity and is one of the most devastating impacts of the UK Government's policy of continued austerity. Council calls on Council to form a Holiday Hunger Task Force as a matter of urgency and to provide financial support to (pilot) community-led and designed at local level projects which promote dignity and harness the social potential of food to connect people and develop sustainable solutions to food poverty in the worst affected wards to develop a solution for holiday hunger.".

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