Submission Documents: By Councillor Susan Aitken:- "Council welcomes the publication of the Fraser of Allander report 'Brexit and the Glasgow City Region' which was launched at the Brexit summit held in Glasgow City Chambers on 2nd October 2018 and notes with concern the very serious consequences, highlighted in the report, for the Glasgow economy of leaving the EU, Single Market and Customs Union. Council notes that the people of Glasgow voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU and believes that this remains the best option for the social and economic wellbeing of the city. Council agrees that, short of this outcome, the 'least worst' option for Glasgow would be a plan in which the UK remains a member of the Single Market and Customs Union; and further agrees that a No Deal scenario would be catastrophic for ordinary people here and across the UK. Council endorses calls, including from the First Minister, for an extension of the transition period to avert a cliff-edge scenario when the UK leaves the EU. Council also notes on-going discussion around a second 'People's Vote' and urges Glasgow's MPs to support this opportunity. Council instructs the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union highlighting the evidence compiled in the Fraser of Allander report and setting out the Council's position as agreed above; and further instructs the Chief Executive to establish how the Council can use its role as a provider of information and advice to support EU citizens in Glasgow through the process of having to apply for settled status by June 2021, as well as Glaswegians with family living in the EU." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Susan Aitken:- "Council welcomes the publication of the Fraser of Allander report 'Brexit and the Glasgow City Region' which was launched at the Brexit summit held in Glasgow City Chambers on 2nd October 2018 and notes with concern the very serious consequences, highlighted in the report, for the Glasgow economy of leaving the EU, Single Market and Customs Union. Council notes that the people of Glasgow voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU and believes that this remains the best option for the social and economic wellbeing of the city. Council agrees that, short of this outcome, the 'least worst' option for Glasgow would be a plan in which the UK remains a member of the Single Market and Customs Union; and further agrees that a No Deal scenario would be catastrophic for ordinary people here and across the UK. Council endorses calls, including from the First Minister, for an extension of the transition period to avert a cliff-edge scenario when the UK leaves the EU. Council also notes on-going discussion around a second 'People's Vote' and urges Glasgow's MPs to support this opportunity. Council instructs the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union highlighting the evidence compiled in the Fraser of Allander report and setting out the Council's position as agreed above; and further instructs the Chief Executive to establish how the Council can use its role as a provider of information and advice to support EU citizens in Glasgow through the process of having to apply for settled status by June 2021, as well as Glaswegians with family living in the EU.".

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Item Minute - 01 November 2018 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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