Submission Documents: By Councillor Mandy Morgan:- "Council notes that the roll out of Universal Credit began in Glasgow at the beginning of October. Council notes that evidence from other local authority areas where roll-out has already taken place shows that Universal Credit has pushed many into debt, food and fuel poverty, and homelessness, as a result of being left without money for many weeks because of the delayed waiting time for payment, as well as reduced benefits. Council notes the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has herself admitted that some claimants will be £200 per month worse off as a result of Universal Credit and believes that - combined with the cumulative impact of other UK government policies such as benefit sanctions, the benefits cap and freeze, and the family cap - the roll-out of Universal Credit in Glasgow will have a potentially devastating effect for many families and individuals. Council welcomes and appreciates the supportive comments of the Scottish Government's Cabinet Secretary for Social Secretary & Older People who visited Ibrox Community Hub to see our financial and digital inclusion approach with our partners and how this can assist all of our citizens affected by the roll out of universal credit. Council believes however that only a halt to the roll out of Universal Credit will prevent many more people being pushed into poverty in Glasgow; calls on the UK government to do so immediately and to ensure that no-one in the city who has moved on to Universal Credit is left in hardship because of their migration onto this structurally flawed benefit." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Mandy Morgan:- "Council notes that the roll out of Universal Credit began in Glasgow at the beginning of October. Council notes that evidence from other local authority areas where roll-out has already taken place shows that Universal Credit has pushed many into debt, food and fuel poverty, and homelessness, as a result of being left without money for many weeks because of the delayed waiting time for payment, as well as reduced benefits. Council notes the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has herself admitted that some claimants will be £200 per month worse off as a result of Universal Credit and believes that - combined with the cumulative impact of other UK government policies such as benefit sanctions, the benefits cap and freeze, and the family cap - the roll-out of Universal Credit in Glasgow will have a potentially devastating effect for many families and individuals. Council welcomes and appreciates the supportive comments of the Scottish Government's Cabinet Secretary for Social Secretary & Older People who visited Ibrox Community Hub to see our financial and digital inclusion approach with our partners and how this can assist all of our citizens affected by the roll out of universal credit. Council believes however that only a halt to the roll out of Universal Credit will prevent many more people being pushed into poverty in Glasgow; calls on the UK government to do so immediately and to ensure that no-one in the city who has moved on to Universal Credit is left in hardship because of their migration onto this structurally flawed benefit.".

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