Submission Documents: By Councillor Elaine McDougall:- "Council notes the recent announcement by Richard Leonard MSP, Leader of the Scottish Labour Party, and Pauline McNeill MSP, an elected representative of this city, for a 'Mary Barbour Law' to help solve Scotland's Housing Crisis. Such a law would empower residents in the ever expanding Private Rented Sector and help to control unaffordable rent increases by linking increases in rents to improvements in standards. Council further notes that Mary Barbour, a former Bailie of this city, was a leader of the famous Rent Strikes in 1915 which led to the Rents and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act of that same year. Council believes that a Mary Barbour Law is necessary given the increase in the Private Rented Sector in Glasgow, which has more than doubled since 2001, and that increases in rents have outstripped increases in wages, pushing higher the cost of living for young adults and families with children, who constitute the majority of tenants in the Private Rented Sector. Council welcomes recent increases in funding available for house building in Glasgow in future years, after successive budgets which constrained the ability to meet demand for new socially rented and mid-market rent housing. However, it also recognises that this increase in funding is a response to the emerging housing crisis that is taking place in the country. Council therefore resolves to support calls for a Mary Barbour Law and Pauline McNeill MSP's proposed Members' Bill, and instructs the Chief Executive to write to Ms McNeill outlining the Council's support for her Members' Bill." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Elaine McDougall:- "Council notes the recent announcement by Richard Leonard MSP, Leader of the Scottish Labour Party, and Pauline McNeill MSP, an elected representative of this city, for a 'Mary Barbour Law' to help solve Scotland's Housing Crisis. Such a law would empower residents in the ever expanding Private Rented Sector and help to control unaffordable rent increases by linking increases in rents to improvements in standards. Council further notes that Mary Barbour, a former Bailie of this city, was a leader of the famous Rent Strikes in 1915 which led to the Rents and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act of that same year. Council believes that a Mary Barbour Law is necessary given the increase in the Private Rented Sector in Glasgow, which has more than doubled since 2001, and that increases in rents have outstripped increases in wages, pushing higher the cost of living for young adults and families with children, who constitute the majority of tenants in the Private Rented Sector. Council welcomes recent increases in funding available for house building in Glasgow in future years, after successive budgets which constrained the ability to meet demand for new socially rented and mid-market rent housing. However, it also recognises that this increase in funding is a response to the emerging housing crisis that is taking place in the country. Council therefore resolves to support calls for a Mary Barbour Law and Pauline McNeill MSP's proposed Members' Bill, and instructs the Chief Executive to write to Ms McNeill outlining the Council's support for her Members' Bill.".

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