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Glasgow City Council

Advice for Residents/ at Home

Safety Tips

  • In the event of an emergency try to remain calm and follow the instructions provided by emergency services.
  • Teach your children how and when to phone emergency services.
  • Install smoke detectors in your home. If you have gas appliances you should consider using a carbon monoxide detector.
  • If you smell gas turn off at the main valve, open all windows and report the fault.
  • Think about enhancing your knowledge in first aid e.g. taking a first aid course.
  • Always keep medication and cleaning products locked safely away from children.
  • Teach your children to stay away from dangers such as open water, electricity pylons and railway lines.

In Case of Emergency (ICE)

ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. It's an easy way for the emergency services to quickly find the contact details of your next of kin, if you are injured and unable to tell them who to contact on your behalf. This simple idea of storing the word ICE before the name and number of the person you would want to be contacted could be invaluable.

Make sure that:

  • The person whose name and number you are using has agreed to be your ICE contact.
  • Your ICE contact has a list of people they should contact on your behalf and knows any important medical information.
  • If you want more than one ICE contact, simply save them as ICE1, ICE2.

Grab Bag

In an emergency situation you may need to move quickly, so it's important to have all your basic requirements to hand.

Ideally prepare a small, easy-to-carry bag with essentials and store it in an accessible place ready to go. At the very least have an up to date check list for your 'go bag'.

Think about including things such as:

  • Key documents (such as passport, driving licence, your personal emergency contact list and insurance details).
  • First aid kit including any medication.
  • A wind up radio or a battery operated radio with spare batteries.
  • Mobile phone/charger.
  • Glasses/contact lenses and solution.
  • Toiletries (including nappies/sanitary supplies).
  • Any special items for babies, children, elderly and disabled people.
  • Spare set of keys (home/car/office).
  • Bottled water/energy bars.
  • Coins/cash (small denominations) and credit cards.
  • A torch and batteries or a wind up torch.
  • Change of clothes and sensible footwear if necessary, waterproofs).
  • Candles and matches.
  • Notebook and pen/pencil.

Know How to Respond

In an emergency, unless told otherwise, your initial response should be to go inside, stay in, listen to your local radio station and listen for further instructions and updates.

  • Stay where you are.

Go in

  • Wait inside until the all clear is given by the emergency services.

Stay in

  • Close and stay away from all windows and doors.
  • Remain calm and wait for further advice.
  • We know that you will want to collect your children from school, but it might not be safe to do so. Remember that all schools have emergency plans and teachers will look after the pupils in their care.

Tune in

  • To your local radio station for further information or instructions, including updates on schools.
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