Planning Applications Committee Agenda - 25 February 2014, 11:00 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers at 11:00 on 25 February 2014.

Number Item
4495Application for planning permission:-

Greenoakhill Quarry, 510 HamiltonRoad (Ward 20) - 13/02422/DC - Variation of condition NC (J) of 97/02662/DC to allow on-site operations to be undertaken between 0700 and 1800 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. View Papers
2Applications for listed building consent:-
(a)Onslow Drive Day Nursery, 6 Onslow Drive (Ward 18) - 13/02939/DC - External alterations to listed building including stone cleaning, stone repairs and roof repair; View Papers
(b)Renfrew Street Nursery, 256 Renfrew Street (Ward 10) - 13/02951/DC - External alterations to listed building, including stone cleaning, stone repairs and works to roof; and View Papers
(c)St Denis Primary, 129 Roslea Drive (Ward 18) - 13/02953/DC - External alterations to listed building including stone cleaning, stone repairs and roof repair. View Papers