Planning Applications Committee Agenda - 19 June 2007, 11:00 Help

A meeting to be held at at 11:00 on 19 June 2007.

Number Item
Items for decision. 
1Applications for planning permission:-
(a)21 Cairngorm Road (Ward 2) - 07/00463/DC - Erection of single-storey extension to side and rear of dwellinghouse; View Papers
(b)West Millichen, 412 Millichen Road (Ward 15) - 06/02339/DC - Erection of 3 dwellings;  View Papers
(c)109 Rhindmuir Road (Ward 20) - 06/04142/DC - Erection of 1/8 metre high timber fencing to front garden of dwellinghouse;  View Papers
(d)Site at 9-11 Wellington Street/119 Holm Street (Ward 10) - 07/00213/DC - Erection of office building with ancillary car parking; and View Papers
(e)Site adjacent to 101 West Regent Street (Ward 10) - 06/03871/DC - Erection of office development. View Papers