Submission History: Application for outline planning permission:- Sites at Greenhill Place/Finnieston Street and Finnieston Street/Houldsworth Street and Port Street/Cranston Street/Elliot Street (Ward 10) - 08/01859/DC - Erection of mixed use development comprising offices (Class 4), storage and distribution (Class 6), retail (Class 1), financial and professional services (Class 2), food and drink (Class 3), hotels (Class 7) and day care nursery with associated car parking and landscaping. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Application for outline planning permission:- Sites at Greenhill Place/Finnieston Street and Finnieston Street/Houldsworth Street and Port Street/Cranston Street/Elliot Street (Ward 10) - 08/01859/DC - Erection of mixed use development comprising offices (Class 4), storage and distribution (Class 6), retail (Class 1), financial and professional services (Class 2), food and drink (Class 3), hotels (Class 7) and day care nursery with associated car parking and landscaping.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 10/02/2009 Click here