Submission History: 1111 Edinburgh Road (Ward 18) - 08/03177/DC - External alterations and sub-division of retail unit (Class 1) and erection of 2 additional retail units (Class 1) - (Amendment to Condition 01 of previous approval 07/03569/DC to sub-divide 2 additional units to form 4 units (Class 1) with associated alterations to frontage and bin stores and introduction of air conditioning units; Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "1111 Edinburgh Road (Ward 18) - 08/03177/DC - External alterations and sub-division of retail unit (Class 1) and erection of 2 additional retail units (Class 1) - (Amendment to Condition 01 of previous approval 07/03569/DC to sub-divide 2 additional units to form 4 units (Class 1) with associated alterations to frontage and bin stores and introduction of air conditioning units;".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 10/02/2009 Click here