Submission History: Site between Linthouse Road/Holmfauld Road (Ward 5) - 10/02832/DC - Formation of heliport for emergency services and occasional commercial traffic, including erection of associated buildings and hardstanding, installation of landing lights, fuel storage facility, rescue boat hoist, security fencing, formation of access and car parking, including construction of roundabout, landscaping plus associated ground engineering and drainage works - Application for planning permission - Resume consideration. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Site between Linthouse Road/Holmfauld Road (Ward 5) - 10/02832/DC - Formation of heliport for emergency services and occasional commercial traffic, including erection of associated buildings and hardstanding, installation of landing lights, fuel storage facility, rescue boat hoist, security fencing, formation of access and car parking, including construction of roundabout, landscaping plus associated ground engineering and drainage works - Application for planning permission - Resume consideration.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 22/03/2011 Click here