Submission History: Site formerly known as 31 Dunblane Street (Ward 10) - 19/02110/FUL - Erection of student accommodation, access and associated works, to include demolition of existing building - Retrospective application under Section 42, to vary conditions 08, 09 and 16 of previous consent 17/03469/DC to incorporate changes to materials. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Site formerly known as 31 Dunblane Street (Ward 10) - 19/02110/FUL - Erection of student accommodation, access and associated works, to include demolition of existing building - Retrospective application under Section 42, to vary conditions 08, 09 and 16 of previous consent 17/03469/DC to incorporate changes to materials.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 22/10/2019 Click here