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Glasgow City Council

Design Guide for Repair and Replacement of Windows

What is it?

The design and form of these traditional windows make a substantial contribution to the character and architectural integrity of most historic buildings and to the character and appearance of conservation areas.

Repair and replacement of windows

The Council encourages the retention and repair of original windows wherever possible, particularly as traditional sash and case windows can be overhauled to provide modern standards of comfort and convenience. Where new windows can be justified, this will generally mean installation to match the original (taking account of any safety etc. requirements).  UPVC is not considered an acceptable window frame material for Listed Buildings.

Replacement of windows in listed buildings

In the case of any Listed Building, Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission are required for the removal and/or replacement of an existing window. Repairs to traditional/original windows using the original materials ("like for like") do not require either Planning Permission or Listed Building Consent.

Replacement of windows in unlisted buildings

Planning Permission is required for the removal and replacement of an existing window on an unlisted building within a Conservation area.

Any proposed windows, visible from a public area, match the originals exactly in their design, profile, method of opening and materials (uPVC is not acceptable). This would include details such as glazing bars and horns and the re-use of any stained/leaded/etched glass in the existing windows

Proposed windows on rear or side elevations, not visible from public area, match the original proportions, but may have a different material and/or method of opening.


This design guidance should be read in conjunction with policy CPD 9.

Historic Environment of the City Development Plan and supplements the guidance given in SG9: Historic Environment.  City Development Plan policy aims to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the City's conservation areas and to protect the special architectural and historic interest of the City's listed buildings.

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