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Current Consultations

The table below contains details of consultations which are currently open for participation 

Consultation NameDescriptionEnd DateContactTake Part
Physical Activity and Sport Strategy Survey

Your opportunity to share your views and help to inform Glasgow's Physical Activity and Sport Strategy. Help to shape a future where physical activity and sport are accessible and inclusive, supporting health, community connection, and well-being across the city. Your feedback will contribute to Glasgow's vision for an active, vibrant, and equitable future.

Glasgow Life is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit :

18 October
Fireworks Control Zone Consultation - Glasgow Citywide

The Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022 gives councils a new discretionary power to introduce Firework Control Zones.

We as the Council will oversee the process which will facilitate the designation of Firework Control Zones within the City. 

This is now the formal consultation process as stated in the guidance for consultation on FCZ. All consultations can be viewed on our Consultation Hub.

Glasgow City Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit:

20 October 2024

Glasgow City Network: Inner North and South

Glasgow City Council's  Active Travel Strategy 2022-2031 sets out the concept of a City Network to provide a dense network of high-quality protected cycle lanes and improved pedestrian infrastructure across Glasgow, to be delivered by 2031. The network is aiming to link services and facilities across multiple neighbourhoods, providing easy and safe active journeys across Glasgow for everyone.

GCC is working together with its consultant team to progress the first two areas of the City Network - the Inner North and South - to concept designs by the end of the year. The route design proposals for both these areas are set out in the City Network StoryMap.

After viewing the route designs the following questions focus on what features you would like to see along the routes of the City Network that would encourage and support you to walk, wheel or cycle more in these areas for everyday journeys. Please also tell us any other information that may impact any of the proposed Inner North or South City Network routes.

Glasgow City Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit :

20 October 2024gccin&

Link to survey

Supporting Information:  

Glasgow's Active Travel Strategy 2022-2031  and ATS web page

Connectivity, People and P{lace: Interim Delivery Plan for the City Network

City Network Final Delivery Plan

Glasgow City Network StoryMap; City Network web page

Glasgow's Liveable Neighbhourhoods programme

City Development Plan 2 - Call for Sites and Ideas

Glasgow City Council are carrying out a Call for Sites and Call for Ideas between 2 September and 11 November 2024 to inform the contents of City Development Plan 2 (CDP2).The CDP2 Evidence Report should inform your sites and ideas.

Call for sites - Tell us about a site you'd like to see included in CDP2

Stakeholders including residents, community groups, landowners, developers and others, are asked to put forward sites you would like to be considered by the planning authority for inclusion in CDP2.

Call for Ideas - Tell us about a Planning Policy you'd like to see included in CDP 2

We would also like to hear your ideas regarding all development and land use related matters affecting Glasgow and in particular your thoughts about planning policies that CDP2 should contain.

Evidence Report

GCC has now submitted an Evidence Report to the Scottish Government's Gate Check process. This evidence base is required to inform CDP2.

11 November 2024

Take part in call for sites

Take part in call for ideas


Last modified on 10 October 2024

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