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Morrison, Robert Wiggans 244972 ( - 1919)

Robert Morrison

Sapper, 353rd E. and M. Coy. Royal Engineers

Buried at Glasgow Western Necropolis

Commemorated at Hillhead High School

Private Robert Wiggans Morrison was the son of Captain and Mrs. Morrison, 46 St. James Street, Hillhead. He was one of a family of six brothers who, as well as their father, served throughout the war, all of them coming back safe except Robert.

He was interested in all forms of sport, and was a member of the School Rugby team.

On leaving School he entered the service of Messrs. Babcock & Wilcox as an apprentice engineer. As a member of the Glasgow Highlanders he was mobilised on the 4th August, 1914, and proceeded with the battalion to France on 2nd November of the same year. With them he came safely through the heavy fighting on the Western front till the autumn of 1917.

He was then transferred to the Royal Engineers, and served with them till he was demobilised in March, 1919.

He was only home three weeks when he took a severe cold, which developed into meningitis. As he was still nominally in service, he was sent to the hospital at Stobhill, where he died on the 13th April, 1919. It is tragic to think of him passing unscathed through the many perils and hardships of camp and field only to be struck down amid the comforts of home.

Last modified on 15 November 2023

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