Elevate Glasgow celebrates 7 years of achievement with graduation ceremony
Almost 100 awards were given to participants in last week's graduation ceremony for qualifications, training and personal development programmes completed by individuals in recovery from drug and/or alcohol misuse.

The service offers a person-centered approach, tailored around the individuals' needs and aspirations in their recovery journey. This could include accompanying them to DWP or housing appointments, helping ensure their CV is up to date and interview preparation. Support workers are also working to address both the real and perceived barriers that affect people in recovery, including mental health, homelessness, trauma and adverse childhood experiences.
In their first awards ceremony since COVID-19, Elevate were delighted to be hosting the event for more than 90 award winners, and also to celebrate the immense amount of work that has taken place. Since April 2020, Elevate has supported 1681 people from personal development and qualifications to starting employment and job retention support.
Jonathan, who first engaged with Elevate in 2017, said:
"When I found Elevate I was in quite a difficult predicament. I attended an open day event they were at and when the worker explained that Elevate offered courses and placements for people in recovery who were unemployed, I felt a great sense of relief.
"All I wanted to do was get back to work, but my time with Elevate offered me so much more than that. I was given an opportunity to study, gain qualifications and complete a paid work placement - all of which have taken me to where I am today."
Martin Devine, Senior Employability Advisor for Adults and Young People at Elevate, said:
"In working with Elevate, I have witnessed individuals build their confidence and self-belief and begin to take their first steps in leaving services behind and becoming responsible members of their community and wider society.
"The Graduation ceremony stands out for me for the simple reason, that in these moments you witness our participants recognising what they have achieved and the impact this has on their lives and the lives of their families.
Jacqueline Kerr, Chair of Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Partnership, said:
"We're delighted to be celebrating the success of our partner, Elevate Glasgow, at their award ceremony this week.
"Their programme is a great example of partnership working across the city to support individuals in their recovery journeys and to reach their goals."