Register of Common Good Property
Part 8 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 aims to "increase transparency about Common Good assets and community involvement in decisions taken about their identification, use and disposal".
The Act places new duties on the council in relation to common good property:-
- Section 102 of the Act places a duty on the council to establish and maintain, after consultation, a register of property which is held by it as part of the common good.
- Section 104 imposes the requirement for public consultation before the disposal or change of use of a common good property.
Statutory guidance published by the Scottish Government sets out the procedure for establishing the register, and for subsequent consultations on the use or disposal of common good land.
What is Common Good Property?
There is no statutory definition of common good, and it can be difficult to determine what property is common good.
In general, common good relates to property held by former Burghs; if a property was acquired by or gifted to a former Burgh, it could have common good status. Burghs were abolished in 1975 and so only property which was acquired before 15 May 1975 will be considered, but, not all property formerly owned by a Burgh will be common good. If a property has been acquired using statutory powers or is held on a trust, it will not be considered to be common good. Most property owned by the council has been acquired using statutory powers, including the majority of the city's parks.
The council's policy on common good, approved in 2015, gives general guidance on how we will identify common good property and what kinds of property may be considered to be common good.
Factors we will take into account in making this assessment include, whether the property has been held for the benefit of the community or dedicated to a public purpose. This may be because of a condition imposed in the original title deed or some subsequent act of the council or the use of the property over a long period of time.
Publication of the Draft Register - Consultation
We have published our draft Register which can be found here (Word doc, 13 KB). If you want to comment on the register, for example, to suggest that a property should be removed or added, then you should Email or write to Head of Legal and Administration, Chief Executive's Dept, Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, 40 John Street, Glasgow, G2 1DU.
The consultation will last until 27th October 2019.
We will publish all comments, in line with our data protection policy. We will also publish our response to the comments. We will aim to respond to the comment within 12 weeks.
We will aim to publish the final version of our Register by the end of March 2020.
If we receive a large number of comments, it may take longer to investigate them. In this case we will publish the Register with a note to explain that we are carrying out research in response to representations.
The register may change over time, where further research identifies other property we consider to be common good, or if property is determined by a court to be common good. We may remove property from the list if it no longer considered to be common good.
Consultation on Proposals to Dispose of or Change the use of Common Good Property
If there is a proposal to dispose of, or change the use of a common good property, we will consult on that proposal in line with the statutory guidance. In addition, we may have to obtain permission from the court for the disposal or change of use if the property is considered to be inalienable common good.
The council also holds money in its common good fund. A copy of the most recent accounts can be found here (PDF, 1 MB)
Disposal of possible common good property sections of roadway at Rottenrow, North Portland Street and Richmond Street, Glasgow
Consultation dates: commences 12 March 2024 closes 10 May 2024
What is being proposed?
Glasgow City Council is proposing to dispose of land which currently forms part of the adopted roads at Rottenrow, North Portland Street and Richmond Street, Glasgow. This land was originally acquired by the former Burgh of Glasgow and, as such, may form part of the Council's Common Good assets. The Council is therefore carrying out a consultation exercise in respect of the proposed disposal.
This land (which is shown coloured pink and blue on the plan below) has been used as part of the adopted road network for many years and lies at the heart of the University of Strathclyde campus. The University has obtained planning consent (20/01169/FUL) which will allow them to carry out public realm improvements works within their campus in order to provide a safe and environmentally friendly environment for their students and members of the public. Part of this work will involve the stopping up of Rottenrow, North Portland Street and Richmond Street in order to allow for pedestrianisation, landscaping and amenity improvements. The disposal of the sections of those roads which are owned by the Council will allow the University to carry out and complete its planned public realm improvement works.

If you have any comments or representations on the proposal, please email these to or by post to: Corporate and Property Law, Chief Executive's Department, Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow, G2 1DU. Responses must arrive by 10 May 2024.
Glasgow City Council will consider and respond to any representations within eight weeks of the consultation closing date. The Council's final response will be published on the Council's website along with details of all representations to this consultation(excluding address, postcode and email of respondent, and in line with our Data Protection Policy).
The Council will then take a decision having regard to the outcomes of this Consultation as to whether to proceed with the sale.
The consultation period ends on 10 May 2024.
Lease and Change of Use of Common Good Property 6 Dowanhill Street, Glasgow, G11 5QS
Consultation Dates: Commences 2 February 2023 Closes 3 April 2023
Glasgow City Council is proposing to lease the ground floor shop premises at 6 Dowanhill Street, Glasgow G11 5QS. A change of use may also be required. This property forms part of the Council's Common Good assets and, as such, the Council is required to carry out a consultation exercise in respect of the proposed lease and potential change of use. The lease is required as the property is now vacant, it having most recently been used as a beauty salon with the previous tenant having vacated in December 2020. It has recently undergone refurbishment by City Building and this has led to a potential increase in rental value for the property. The property was originally transferred to the Common Good fund to generate income for it but is currently providing no income to the fund, and incurring costs for its maintenance and bills. The prospective tenant wishes to take a 10 year lease of the property to use as a barber shop. He has an established clientele which would assist in generating turnover for the business and drive footfall at this location as well as generating a rental income once more for the Common Good fund. In addition to this he would pay the non - domestic rates for this property instead of the monies being paid from the Council's Common Good fund.
A plan showing the location of the building, within which the property is situated can be found here (the building is outlined in red and coloured pink):

If you have any comments on representations on the proposal, please email representations to or by post to: Corporate and Property Law, Chief Executive's Department, Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow, G2 1DU
Glasgow City Council will consider and respond to any representations within eight weeks of the consultation closing date. The Council's final response will be published on the Council's website along with details of all representations to this consultation(excluding address, postcode and email of respondent, and in line with our Data Protection Policy).
The Council will then take a decision having regard to the outcomes of this Consultation as to whether to proceed with the new lease.
The consultation period ends on 3 April 2023.
Change of use of common good property - 53 Haggs Road, Glasgow (forming part of Pollok Country Park)
Consultation Dates: 1 April 2021 to 31 May 2021
The Council is proposing to demolish a building at 53 Haggs Road, Glasgow (forming part of Pollok Country Park). Pollok Country Park forms part of the Council's Common Good assets and, as such, the Council is required to carry out a consultation exercise in respect of the proposed change of use. The demolition is required to allow the widening of the road and entranceway to the park as part of a new Active Travel Management Plan.
The Active Travel Management Plan aims to prioritise pedestrian and cyclist access within the park through directing vehicular traffic away from the centre of the park. The demolition of the building is considered to be an essential part of the Active Travel Management Plan as the entrance from Haggs Road will be the single point of entrance/exit for vehicles to the Burrell Collection (and additional parking) and, as such, will need to be widened to allow for two-way traffic.
Further details on the proposal can be found in the Approved Planning Application for the Active Travel Management Plan (Ref no 20/01352/FUL - see Design and Access Statement):
A plan of the property can be found in the Approved Planning Application for demolition (Ref no 20/00645/CON - see Site Plan as Existing):
If you have any comments on representations on the proposal, please email representations to Pollok Country Park Transformation or by post to: Special Projects Team, Glasgow Life, 38 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1LH
Glasgow City Council will consider and respond to any representations within eight weeks of the consultation closing date. The Council's final response will be published on the Council's website along with details of all representations to this consultation(excluding address, postcode and email of respondent, and in line with our Data Protection Policy).
The Council will then take a decision having regard to the outcomes of this Consultation as to whether to proceed with the demolition.
The consultation period ends on 31st May 2021
Change of use of common good property - 120 Woodville Glasgow G51 2RG
Consultation Dates: 12 July 2022 to 11 September 2022
The Council is proposing to grant a 125 year lease of a vacant site extending to approximately 1,433 square metres or thereby, bounded by Woodville Street and Clynder Street and known as 120 Woodville Street, Glasgow G51 2RG. The proposed tenants' proposal is to use the site as a secure yard with general storage. The site forms part of the Council's Common Good assets and, as such, the Council is required to carry out a consultation exercise in respect of the proposed lease. The granting of the lease will bring into use a site which has been vacant for many years.
If you have any comments or representations on the proposal, please email representations to or by post to: Corporate and Property Law, Chief Executive's Department, Glasgow City Council, 40 John Street, Glasgow G2 1DU.
Glasgow City Council will consider and respond to any representations within eight weeks of the consultation closing date. The Council's final response will be published on the Council's website along with details of all representations to this consultation (excluding address, postcode and email of respondent, and in line with our Data Protection Policy).
The Council will then take a decision having regard to the outcomes of this Consultation as to whether to proceed with the demolition.
The consultation period ends on 11 September 2022.
Change of use of common good property - Creation of Outdoor Space for Learning at Elder Park Depot, 1017 Govan Road
Consultation Dates: 29 August 2022 to 24 October 2022
What is being proposed?
The Council is proposing to let land at Elder Park to Glasgow City Mission in order to create an Outdoor Space for Learning through the People Make Glasgow Communities programme.
The People Make Glasgow Communities programme is a mechanism by which local people, community groups, third sector and other organisations can express an interest in having a greater involvement in the management of local venues.
Further details can be found here.
If you have any comments on representations on the proposal, please email representations to People Make Glasgow Communities or by post to: People Make Glasgow Communities, Property and Consultancy Services, Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability, Glasgow City Council, Exchange House, 231 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RX.
Glasgow City Council will consider and respond to any representations within eight weeks of the consultation closing date. The Council's final response will be published on the Council's website along with details of all representations to this consultation (excluding address, postcode and email of respondent, and in line with our Data Protection Policy).
The Council will then take a decision having regard to the outcomes of this Consultation as to whether to proceed with the Proposal.
The consultation period ends on 24 October 2022.
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