Workforce Wellbeing Support
your staff health and wellbeing handbook, resource guide, Employee Assistance Provider, Able Futures and other key support

Are you juggling work with caring for someone? Support for carers
Are you a carer?
You're probably a carer if:
- you care for and support someone - doing things like helping them wash, dress and eat, taking them to regular appointments, helping with their shopping or keeping them company. The person could be a family member, friend or neighbour.
- it's not your job - you don't do this under a contract or as part of voluntary work.
- you look after a child, and it's not just because of their age - if you are caring for a child, for example, because they are disabled.
Support for you
We appreciate that balancing work with caring responsibilities can be very difficult and that help is not always to hand or easy to find. So, this Carers Week, we wanted to bring this information together for you.
Information, advice and support for carers is available to you within the council as an employee, in addition to locally and nationally.
Our Employment Policy Arrangements
As a Carer Positive organisationwe recognise that fostering an environment where every employee feels supported in the workplace is good employment practice, and we understand the benefits of having 'carer positive' policies and working practices.
If you are a carer and need support, we would encourage you to speak to your line manager or strategic service HR about your situation and the options available.
This could include using Carer's Leave, Parental Leave, Time off to care for dependants, or Kinship Care Leave. See our Conditions of Service: Leave for more information on these options.
For more information on our Carer's Leave, see our Corporate HR Carer's Leave Guide
Our Worklife Balance Policy and Flexible Working Procedure are also available to help support you in managing your caring responsibilities.
Read our Supporting Employees who are Carers Guide (PDF, 519 KB), which outlines the internal and external support available.
Peer support is available for employees who are carers through our Employee Carers Peer Support Network where they can keep up to date with the latest news and opportunities to talk and share their experiences with other carers who work in the Council. They can also work with us to promote equality and diversity and help shape future policies and procedures together. If you are a carer and would like to be kept involved in what we are doing and/or share your experiences, let us know by emailing us at
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
You can also get free and confidential health and wellbeing support resource. This personal support service is provided by PAM Assist, and is available to you 24 hours a day, any day of the year by phone, email, or by using
- Freephone 0800 247 1100
- Webchat:
- Email: /
Click here for additional information and resources, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and details on how to get started using the PAM Assist App.
Support in Glasgow
If you are looking after someone in Glasgow and want further information on carers' rights, news, campaigns and accessing services (including an online carer self-referral form), then visit:
Your Support Your Way Glasgow website. Carer Act Resources are available and updated regularly.
Support in other areas
To find out about local carer support services, including carer centres near you, Care Information Scotland provides a detailed list of all carer centres and young carers services across Scotland, just follow this link.
Shared Care Scotland have compiled a comprehensive list of home-based activities to help unpaid carers, and those they care for, to have a 'break' at home. Click here for details.
Further information and support
There are a number of other organisations that can also provide information, advice and support for carers including:
- Carers Scotland - provide information and advice on caring and help carers connect with each other.
- Carers Trust Scotland - provide funding and support, raise awareness and influence policy.
- Coalition of Carers in Scotland - provide information on carers rights and support.
- MECOPP which supports Black and Minority Ethnic Carers
- Shared Care Scotland for information on short breaks from caring
- Age Scotland - provide information, advice and support for older people, their carers and families.
- Tide - Together in Dementia everyday - support if you are caring for someone with Dementia.
MacMillan Cancer Support - information, advice and support if you're caring for someone with Cancer.
Your health and wellbeing strategy - Let's Flourish for Glasgow
The last year has presented us with many challenges - both as individuals in our personal lives, and also as employees working for Scotland's largest local authority.
Whilst we have all been on a different journey, and experienced different emotions along the way, there has been a collective understanding of the importance of compassion and the need to be there to support one another during difficult times.
The pandemic put a spotlight onto just how important the health and wellbeing of our workforce is. Our next Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021 to 2024 (PDF, 2 MB) has now been developed and you are at the very core of its creation. It will focus on establishing a positive and healthy working environment where you can feel engaged and supported in key areas of interest to you.
It will be driven at a local level, listening to the needs and wants of our diverse workforce and put the right measures in place to deliver key actions to support you. We are committed to making sure that everyone can access our support arrangements over the next three years and I hope that everyone will embrace local plans and take part in activities of interest to them.
Your health and wellbeing handbook
This detailed handbook brings together a wide range of recommended internal and external health and wellbeing information, guidance and support - all in the one place for ease of reference.
It contains quick links to all the relevant resources that can be accessed online - broken down into key topics and themes. For example:
- Supporting a Healthy Lifestyle - such as physical or social wellbeing
- Specific Health Needs - such as women's health
- Health and Wellbeing Challenges - such as grief, alcohol, loneliness or financial concerns
- Healthy Working Environment - such as health and safety or work-life balance.
Your Staff Health and Wellbeing handbook can be viewed Your Health and Wellbeing Staff Handbook - April 2024 (PDF, 446 KB)
Some of the links are to resources that might be held on Connect - if you do not have access to our intranet please speak to your manager for a copy of the required material.
Your health and wellbeing resource guide
This comprehensive guide brings together free health and wellbeing resources that can be downloaded, printed or ordered in hard copy on various key health and wellbeing themes.
For example:
- posters from the Samaritans and Drinkaware
- self-help booklets from the NHS such as feeling anxious
- leaflets on managing cancer and let's talk menopause
- important pocket cards with emergency information and tips to deal with stress.
Your Health and Wellbeing Resource Guide can be viewed here. (PDF, 219 KB)
Managers should use the Resource Guide to select and source key health and wellbeing resources for distribution in and around your workspace - such as posters, leaflets and pocket cards/ booklets.
Please print or order hard copies to display in communal areas such as staff rooms, canteens, reception areas and notice boards so they are easily accessible to all members of your team.
24/7 support - from our Employee Assistance Provider
Our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) delivered by PAM Assist is available 24/7 for free, confidential, independent advice and support on any issue that matters to you and your family.
- Freephone 0800 247 1100
- Webchat:
- Email: /
- Website: (click on Activate ORG Code, and enter GCC, then create your own login and password)
- iPAM Wellbeing App available from Appstore or Google Play - step by step guide on Connect
Your mental health - long term support from Able Futures
We can all have good days and bad days.
Sometimes mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, trauma, bereavement, sleep problems or lack of confidence can affect our time at work and we need some support to help us feel better and to have more good days.
We are delighted to bring you access to nine months of free, confidential work-focused support from a qualified mental health professional - through our new partnership with Able Futures - the Access to Work mental health support service, funded by the Department for Work and Pensions.
You can benefit from:
- nine months personalised advice and guidance and regular appointments with a mental health professional
- a plan to support your mental health by making adjustments, developing coping strategies and learning ways to look after your wellbeing
- confidential, no cost support with no waiting list and no need for a mental health diagnosis - you can refer yourself and get help with whatever is on your mind.
Flexible, fast and easy to use service - how to get in touch with Able Futures
Their confidential service is quick and easy to access:
- You can phone for a chat to determine the right support for you on free phone 0800 321 3137.
- Lines are open 8am to 10.30pm, Monday to Friday.
- Or apply online at
Virtual Appointment Days
If something is playing on your mind at work staff can chat to Able Futures at a Virtual Appointment Day (telephone call)
- at a Virtual Appointment - you will have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work.
- Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this - they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, all at your own pace.
- This service is fully confidential, and we as your employer will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.
Your virtual appointment call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:
- National Insurance number
- Email address
- Start date of current employment
Information on our next sessions will appear here when they become available - watch this space!
For more information read Welcome to Able Futures (PDF, 424 KB)
Existing support routes
- Don't forget about our other support routes that are open to you such as our Employee Assistance Provider, PAM Assist.
- They are available 24/7 for you to chat to in complete confidence - Freephone 0800 247 1100.
- Dedicated freephone helplines: LGBT 0800 138 8725 and BME 0800 288 4950
- For more support information read our staff health and wellbeing handbook. (PDF, 446 KB)
For Managers
For more information contact Kirsty Jordan (on Outlook) our Able Futures Partnership Officer in Corporate HR
Your financial wellbeing
Our dedicated staff financial wellbeing support page provides a comprehensive list of the Government approved pathways that are available to you. Advice and support is broken down into key sections for easy reference and includes topics such as:
- Benefits
- Cost of Living
- Debt Advice
- Cummunity Lenders
- Household
- Period Dignity
- Leisure
- Travel
- Advoiding Scams
All the information is also available to download from the page and print in our staff financial wellbeing factsheet.
Gambling harms, alcohol and drugs support - dedicated helpline
Our policies
Our workplace policies have been updated to help support staff and to reduce the impact of gambling, alcohol and drug related harms on our workforce. You can read these here:
Dedicated addictions helpline - free, confidential and available 24/7
- If you have an addiction, or are affected by someone who has an addiction, you can access free confidential advice and support by calling: 0808 196 9460 any time of the day or night - all year round.
- Our Employee Assistance Provider, PAM Assist provides this independent support to any employee affected by addictions - it is totally confidential and free for you to access.
- You can chat to a trained addictions advisor who will listen, talk things through with you and offer advice on the next steps you can take.
External support
- Our staff health and wellbeing handbook (PDF, 446 KB) - outlines a wealth of information, advice and support on gambling, alcohol and drugs.
- Our staff health and wellbeing resources guide (PDF, 219 KB) - provides access to free resources such as posters, leaflets and factsheets on alcohol consumption and drug use.
Our commitment
The council signed the Unite Charter as part of our ongoing commitment to reduce gambling related harms in the workplace and support the wellbeing. You can read the Unite Charter (PDF, 405 KB).
Bullying and harassment support - dedicated helpline
Glasgow City Council is committed to creating a workplace free from bullying and harassment.
We all have a role to play in supporting this.
If you experience bullying and harassment or see it happening to someone else, follow the 5 key steps to stop it:
- Don't ignore the problem
- Confide in someone
- Know the policy and options open to you
- Keep a record
- Consider taking action
Support for you
Below you will find information on the support available to anyone affected by bullying and harassment.
Support includes access to free confidential advice by phoning our dedicated external helpline - with our Employee Assistance Provider - PAM Assist.
Chat on the phone - 24/7
- Phone our Bullying and Harassment Helpline on freephone 0800 042 0135
- You can chat freely and in complete confidence to an external trained advisor at any time of the day or night - all year round.
- Our Employee Assistance Provider - PAM Assist provides this free, independent and confidential support to any employee affected by bullying and harassment.
- Just phone to chat to a professional who will listen, talk things through with you and offer advice on the next steps to take.
You can also chat in confidence to:
- your manager
- a trusted colleague
- any of our trained bullying and harassment contacts
- any of our equality employee support network contacts
- Service HR champions
- Trade Union representative.
External Support
Additional external support and advice is available from:
- Samaritans (24 Hour counselling service) - Freephone on 116 123
- Breathing Space to talk to a specialist advisor - available 24 hours at weekends (from 6pm Friday to 6am Monday) and 6pm to 2am on week days (Monday to Thursday) - Freephone on 0800 83 85 87
- UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line
Hate Crime Scotland - Find out more about the campaign to combat Hate Crime and Glasgow's Third Party Reporting Centres at
Smoking - key advice and support to help you stop
Don't Wait to Stop Smoking
Smoking remains a leading cause of preventable diseases in Scotland. The joint 'Don't wait' stop smoking campaign has been re-launched between Scotland's three largest health boards - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lanarkshire, and NHS Lothian.
The campaign focuses on the harms smoking can cause and highlights the free NHS stop smoking services available to support those who are ready to 'stub the addiction.'
If you are a smoker, stopping smoking is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself healthy - and the health benefits start almost as soon as you stop.
It's never too late to quit. Don't Wait; Let's do this!
NHS help and support
Find out more information and advice about how to quit smoking at
Find out how to get help from NHS Stop smoking advisors who can help you to stop smoking for good. Visit
You can contact the NHS Quit You Way service free, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, or phone 0800 84 84 84
Download the NHS Quit Smoking App
You can also visit your local Community Pharmacy for free stop smoking support
Support for staff
View our Smoke Free Policy on Connect at
Find useful help and guidance in our Health and Wellbeing Handbook (section above).
Our Employee Assistance Provider can provide a free Smoking Cessation Pack as well as access to free, confidential, independent advice and counselling support 24/7.
- FreePhone 0800 247 1100
- Webchat:
Email: /
Healthy eating at work - discounted offer
To encourage healthier eating as part of our Staff Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we are delighted to offer you the opportunity to order fresh fruit and vegetables at discounted price for direct delivery to your home or place of work.
We have joined forces with Firm Banana, a local family-run business with over 30 years of trading within City Markets.
As a Glasgow City Council employee, you can benefit from:
- 10% discount on all online fruit and vegetable orders
- Free next day delivery to your office or home
- Build your box! Pick from a wide selection of great quality fresh fruit and vegetables
- Receive exactly what you and your team want - avoiding unnecessary food waste
How to Order
Ordering is simple via:
Alternatively you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables at the Council's Farmer's Markets. Or visit the Glasgow Wholesale Market which sells fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and flowers at a fraction of the price you would pay in the shops. You'll find them off Junction 14 of the M8, 130 Blochairn Road, Glasgow, G21 2DU.
Health Plan - help for you and your family to cover everyday health care costs
As a council employee, you have access to fantastic health benefits along with discounted shopping by taking out an HSF health plan policy.
HSF Health Plan is a health cash plan provider, committed to delivering simple and affordable ways to help you cover the cost of everyday healthcare such as dental, optical and physiotherapy, plus much more!
How does it work? It's simple. You pay a premium for the scheme that suits you best, then you claim cash back for your treatments as and when you need it. Not only that, but your spouse / partner and children (up to age of 18, as long as they reside at the same address) are covered at no extra cost.
More information
Watch this video to find out more about the HSF Health Plan: or visit Connect to find out more.
Key Dates - 2024 Inclusion Calendar
Being mindful of diverse holidays, cultural events, religious celebrations, wellbeing awareness dates and associated training - is key to helping create an inclusive workplace.
Visit our Key Dates calendar for important themes and dates each month and supports our diversity, cultural, equality and health and wellbeing initiatives. We hope you find it a useful resource to support one another and celebrate key dates.
'Join -us' - staff training and events
From workshops and webinars - to walking and wellbeing sessions.
Our 'Join-us' page lists all our free health, wellbeing, equality and diversity training available for staff - along with other health and wellbeing events you can take part in.
You can have a look at what's available each month by scrolling down each section. Past training and event information is still available to view in the archived section in related content at the bottom of the page.
Our 'Join-Us' page is regularly updated as training sessions become available - so please check back.