Residential Design Guide
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Glasgow's Design Guide for New Residential Areas builds on and interprets the guidance set out in Designing Streets, taking cognisance of the City's physical context and policy requirements, to assist in the delivery of better designed new residential areas. The Guide draws together the Council's key planning and road design requirements.
Who is it for?
It will be used by Council officials to support their assessment of proposals that require planning and road construction consent. Developers and all professionals involved in the regeneration of the City should use it to understand Glasgow's expectations for the design of new residential areas. The Guide seeks to provide a clear and consistent approach to design, embodying the core principles of Designing Streets, to deliver higher quality neighbourhoods and efficiency savings for developers. Its principal aims are:
- To promote best practice and improve the process for obtaining planning permission and roads construction consent;
- To provide developers/applicants with easy-to-use guidance that explains the steps necessary to secure planning and road construction consent in the most time-effective manner;
- To promote the creation of safe and integrated neighbourhoods that offer choices of movements for all users and foster healthy active lifestyles; and
- To encourage overall quality and distinctiveness in new developments.
All developments must also take into account planning policy, which is set out in the local development plan:
- City Development Plan and the strategic development plan:
- the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan 2012.
Design Guide for New Residential Areas
- Residential Design Guide (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window)
- Design Guide Executive Summary (PDF, 27 KB)(opens new window)
Information for Developers
- Guidelines for Developers (PDF, 76 KB)(opens new window)
- Construction Consent Application Form (PDF, 162 KB)(opens new window)
- Structure Design Certificate Form (PDF, 228 KB)(opens new window)
Information for Development Management Officers
Strategic Environmental Assessment
As part of the process of developing the Design Guide for New Residential Streets, a screening exercise was undertaken to establish whether a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was required under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. It was determined, after consultation with statutory Consultation Authorities, that no significant environmental impact was implied by the Design Guide. As such, no environmental assessment was required.
- Residential Design Guide Determination of Confirmation Letter to SEA Gateway (PDF, 28 KB)(opens new window)
- Residential Design Guide Screening Report and Statement of Reasons (PDF, 45 KB)(opens new window)
- Residential Design Guide Scottish Government Report Response (PDF, 125 KB)(opens new window)
- Residential Design Guide SEPA Consultation Responses (PDF, 42 KB)(opens new window)
- Residential Design Guide SNH Consultation Responses (PDF, 88 KB)(opens new window)
- Residential Design Guide Historic Scotland Consultation Responses (PDF, 49 KB)(opens new window)
- Road Lighting Design Brief (PDF, 90 KB)(opens new window)
- Lighting Standard Drawing Notes (PDF, 88 KB)(opens new window)
- Lighting CC9 Form (PDF, 83 KB)(opens new window)
Should anybody wish to utilise the Design Guide for New Residential Areas, or any part of its content, for the preparation of development guidance in other authorities, they should contact Glasgow City Council prior to doing so, and seek permission.
For more information please contact Planning and Building Standards, 231 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RX.
Related Content
- Residential Design Guide External Consultation Summary (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
- Residential Design Guide Equality Impact Assessment Report (PDF, 120 KB)(opens new window)
- Designing Streets (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)
- Designing Places (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- Design Guide Stakeholders Meeting (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)